Some people have been skeptical:
"You're gonna be hungry."
"You're not gonna make it."
Some have been intrigued:
"Ooh. What a neat idea."
"Hmm... what will you eat?"
Some have been flat out puzzled:
"Oh. How about that."
"Cool... I don't really get it."
(This last one was my husband, by the way.)
But most of you have been really kind and supportive. Please don't stop. Because I haven't even started yet.
I know that this is going to be a special 40 days. And I know that I'll look back on this time in my life. I hope that it is the beginning of something bigger, something bigger than me, that God has planned and is setting into motion. I can only pray that I am allowed to be part of it.
I want to invite you along.
If you feel the urge, start to plan. Pick your five, and come along for the ride. It will not be unfruitful. Pray and see if it's something for you. And let me know if you're with me.
But even if you don't, I appreciate your support immensely. I'll leave it at that.
(By the way, use I used it to balance all my nutrients, make sure I was getting enough calories and protein, and it was crucial in the decision making process. And if you're totally lost, read the "About Me"; it explains what I'm inviting you to do.)
I'll think/pray abot it.